Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hefty, and i'm not talking about the trash bags....

I'm talking about my weight gain. As Joel has mentioned, life for a young male just out of college is a cruel world when it comes to gaining weight. No longer can you just go and play volleyball for 3 hours whenever you're inclined to, nor are you able to just run down to the student ac(t?) and play some basketball or racquetball whenever you feel like it. You get in a routine and the routine does not usually include exercise.
I play a lot of golf, and i guess when i walk the course, carrying my bag, that's considered exercise to some. I have read where walking burns almost as many calories as jogging and it's easier on your knees. But really, I need to sweat some for it to be considered exercise. (i keep wanting to spell exercise, excercise. but, if i did, Virg would harass me, so i keep fixing it, oh yeah, there's spell check i can do) Umm, yeah, exercise is boring. Running, lifting weights = boring. I need something like flag football, softball (go ahead, laugh), basketball, or even some tennis for me to feel like exercising. Brenna likes to walk around the neighborhood, but you can't keep score when you're walking. But, good for her.
I currently weigh somewhere in the range of 179-184. At Auburn, i tipped the scales at 165, max. This past Saturday, i tried on some jeans that fit fine 1 month ago. Astonishingly, i'm unable to even get the button to the button opening on the jeans. These are jeans i've had since I was a junior in high school. They were so comfortable. So, no more are the days of 32 waist jeans, I'm strictly a 34 now.
I think this winter, i'm going to develop a work-out routine. We have a fitness center here at work, that i could easily workout at for a one-time fee of $15. It gets so cold here in the winter that all outdoor sports are out of the question, except for skiing. (we do have a small ski resort here in Stl.)
Ok, that's it. Kinzie has probably already stopped reading, and Joel has skipped the 3rd and 4th paragraph, but reading this one for some closure. Oh yeah, one more thing, Brenna wore my jeans to work today. Wierd, huh?


Joel said...

I read every word. And I bought a pair of pants a few weeks ago. 34. It made me sad.

For all readers of this blog, know that Shane and my weight gain problems are identical. My thighs now rub together when I walk.

Anonymous said...

I read the whole thing..but only b/c adam told me i would understand it without breaking down in "i dont get it" tears during the middle of it. Congrats to you men for gaining some weight...now you know how it feels to be a woman...haha. Adam has gained like .00001 ounces since we moved here....at least now you can't see his ribs when he is poking his belly out...haha. He knows i love him.