Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Recent Tragedy within our church family....

This morning, we received some terrible news. A guy in our church is in critical condition at a hospital here in St. Louis. He has a wife and 4 kids, which are all in our youth group. Not much is known about the situation right now, but please pray for the family. A few minutes ago, we got a call that they're gonna take him off life support tomorrow. It's gonna really just be a time of mourning for us in our church for the next several weeks and months. The oldest one is 18, and he's really been on fire for the Lord lately. In February, we went to Dare 2 Share, and he really got a passion for sharing Christ with his friends. We keep him accountable every week to make sure he's shared his faith throughout the week sometime. So, it's just a really hard time for them now, as i'm sure you all could imagine.

We're definitely in need of prayers here, and also any verses God's laid on your heart for situations like this. Thanks yall.

Shane and Brenna