Friday, September 26, 2008

We're still here!

So Brenna is in beast mode, and i'm gonna be a daddy. Weird. How am I going to be entrusted with another human being? I forget to eat sometimes. I bite my fingernails. Biting hers will be so tempting. I still hate waking up early, much less to change a doo doo diaper or feed someone. Sometimes i drop things. I'm taller than the avg person too. At babies'r'us, i didn't see any helmets for babies.

It's going to be a lot of fun, and at times, no so much fun. We've got 8 weeks before she hits us like a ton of bricks. We have no clue what to look forward to, even though our friends continue to tell us stuff. I hope she looks more like Brenna. Minus the adult size. Babies should be small. When yall see our baby, i think yall may want one immediately, which is a problem one way or another, for 75% of the people that are gonna read this.

She is now around 16 inches long and weighs over 3 pounds, about the weight of 4 navel oranges. Yes, Kinzie, do it when you go to the grocery store. She's not kicking and stretching as much as she has in the past few weeks. That's supposed to be normal, though. When she was kicking, it had to be one of the top 7-8 craziest things i've ever seen in my life. She's really sneaky though. She knows when i touch Brenna's belly. She automatically stops moving. Then, when i finally give up on the experience, she starts again. So, i've figured out how to sneak up on her quietly.

It's been fun seeing Brenna pregnant. I can tell she loves it so much. She really developing a maternal, protective nature about her. I had hoped to give more updates, but 7 months into this, this is all you get. Oh well. Maybe more updates will come, maybe not. We love yall and hope to see yall sometime! We'll be in B-town for Christmas!!

1 comment:

Peach Momma said...

Im definitely going to Kroger right now and finding the navel oranges...not the tangerines...the navel ones. I'm so glad you guys posted...i was getting sad about your blog!!! MISS YOU GUYS