Friday, December 14, 2007

How many 5 year olds could you take on at once?

Ok, so let's say this situation presented its self. You somehow get in a situation where you must defend yourself against a heap of 5 year olds. Here are the specifics.

- youre in an enclosed area, roughly the size of a basketball court. there are no foreign objects.
- youre not allowed to touch a wall.
- when youre knocked unconscious, you lose. when they are all knocked unconscious, they lose. once a kid is knocked unconscious, that kid is "out."
- The pool will be 50/50 in terms of gender and will have no discernable abnormalities in terms of demographics, other than they are all healthy americans.
- the kids receive one day of training from hand-to-hand combat experts who will train them specifically to team up to take down one adult. you will receive no training.
- there is no protective padding for any combatant other than the standard-issue cup.
- the kids are motivated enough to not get scared, regardless of the bloodshed. even the very last one will give it his/her best to take you down.

Again, this is purely hypothetical, so how many could you take down before they took you down? I could imagine myself all ninja-like. My answer will come later.

Friday, December 7, 2007

"Holiday on the rocks" Momentum Christmas Party

Last night was my company's Christmas Party. Can I just was a night of surprises. So first of all Momentum rented out this bar in downtown STL. I know you are thinking "gross a bar", but can I just say...this place was HOT. It had the high brick walls... a loft area...AND a wine cellar (which was so hot). It was a very stylish place. Anyway, so Shane and I get there and we grab some food and walk upstairs to find a place to grab a table. We are hanging out when they start to announce the first round of winners of the prizes for the evening. Let me just tell you...when momentum does something...they do it big. Two years ago they gave away ipods and like $50 dollars to Crate and Barrel (plus more gift cards). So of course knowing this I'm thinking...they are gonna give away good stuff. So anyway, they call the first name for a gift card to Blueberry Hill (restaurant). Shane looks at me and is like, "See...we don't want the small prizes like that." They call somebodys name and they go and claim their prize. They then announce that the next prize is an iTouch. Me and Shane were like...that would be so hot to win that. We kinda laugh and say wouldn't it be funny if they called my name. So they call they name for the iTouch..."And the winner is....Brenna Glasgow" Wait....WHAT???? Ya'll...I didn't believe it. So me and Shane are like in shock pretty much the rest of the night. So I guess about half way through the party one of our higher ups Bill gets up there and talks about one of the momentum employees that died in a car accident about 18 months ago. He talked about how she was just such a great employee and how you could always count on her for anything and how she was a great representative for momentum and should what momentum was all about. Some of the employees wanted to do something to remember her by. They decided to make an award that would be given out annually. 21 people were nominated for the award. The winner would have their name added to the award and would receive $1000. Out of 300 people...I was nominated. I was one of the 21 people. Now...I know you are wondering if I won...and no I did not. But can I tell you...I was so surprised...and honored that my name was even put in. I for real almost cried ya'll. I mean...that is some touching stuff you know. you can was a really great night. I really do work for a great company...not just because I got an iTouch...i mean...that is just a bonus ya know. Okay...I gotta do work. Love ya'll!!! Glasgow-out!